[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I agree to complete PFL 420 consisting of _One_ Class for 8 hours, totaling 8 hours of instruction by the above-named facility.

The student’s successful completion of the above-named course requires each of the following:

  1. Attendance to class sober and free from illicit drugs.
  1. Attendance on time.
  1. Reasonable attentiveness and participation in class.
  1. Successfully passing a written or oral examination with a grade at least 70.

Redirect Counseling will not refund any tuition or part of tuition if we are ready, willing and able to fulfill our part of this contract.  I understand that if I fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement, I am in breach of contract and Redirect will not be under any obligation to fulfill the terms of this contract, and may, at its option, terminate this agreement immediately.

Upon the student’s successful completion of the course as described above, Redirect Counseling agrees to provide certification of said completion to the student.

This agreement constitutes the contract between Redirect Counseling Services for the program named PFL-420 and the above-named student and no verbal statements will be recognized.


This course will have a live instructor, and requires the use of a manual that we provide to you. The book is included in the price of this course, however if you live out of town and request that we mail it to you, you MUST submit a payment of $20 and the mailing address to use at least 1 week in advance of the course. By agreeing to take this course online, you understand that you need a smartphone or computer that has a video camera and audio. In order to participate, you MUST have the camera turned ON and pointed at your face for the entirety of the program. Failure to do so will mean dismissal from the class. All students will receive an email with the Zoom class ID and password the day before the class, and will receive an email on the Monday following their class containing their certificate of completion.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]